

Facebook Graph Search:Things of Concern

Facebook Graph Search:Things of Concern

Facebook ,as the leading social networking site  has always brought something new for us always .And now they came up with a new innovative idea of graph search.

Facebook has introduced the beta of their new search tool ,Facebook Graph Search .

The graph search provides you with the information that are within your Facebook account or on your friends account or on their friends'.Graph Search focuses on  four categories for now People,Places,Photos and Interests.

It could be called as an internal search engine as it retrieves what is there within your contacts and by relating it with your friends and their friends and their friends and their activities like shares,Likes, comments,place visits and interests and other information.

What exactly  happening is that what are all information we have been providing to Facebook for the past eight years are now being returned back to us optimized.

How is it helpful?

The advantage of graph search is that the queries can be written in simple English like
                               "Which friends of mine like cycling"  
These could provide you with results of your friends who are interested in Cycling and also
                                  "Finest restaurants in Paris "  

could provide you with the restaurants your friends visited last time when they visited Paris.
You could also find some friends  living in some town say New York and when you first visit New York ,you can find them by searching for 
                        "my friends living in New York".

Also in cases if looking for a dream job in some company you could search for someone you knew in that company to make your dream come true.

What is there in it to be concerned with?

Of course there are something to be concerned with.I would say the privacy.It does matters.As people shared their information and interests with their friends and with someone they knew but with the graph search it is not that sure how safe your information would be.

Though Facebook assures  privacy to users on their contents ,graph search results are generated considering with the user activities like user shares,likes , and comments on various posts by the user.The search  could thus pop up something that the user didn't want to share with everyone.
Also search brings results to user about the details of friends of friends of friends is also of concern.

Also there are concerns about the accuracy of search results.With billions of data in the database with similar keywords and user activities and how likely it could bring the exact information is a concern.

Compete capacity:
Also with the popular search engines like Google exists ,how likely would people prefer  for Facebook graph search is also a question arise.

How to enable Facebook graph Search?
Facebook has introduced only the beta of Facebook graph search and that also available to limited area and accounts.A large blue search bar will be on the top of your Facebook page for graph search.For those who doesn't have one could sign up for it or could join the Waiting list for Graph Search.

You can join the waiting list from Facebook page:Join the Facebook Graph search Waiting list

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